Wenn Ich tanze
Artistic director
Emi Miyoshi
Dancers Unita Gay Galiluyo, Anna Kempin, Kevin Albancando und Tim Weseloh, Emi Miyoshi
Dramaturgy & Support
Monica Gillette
Prof. Stefanie Engler (Social work science)
Camera and editing
Marc Doradzillo
Project assistant
Anna Kampin, Ann-Kathrin Harr
Kunstverein Freiburg und Heinrich-hansjacob-Haus
2022 April - December
Within the project "Wenn Ich tanze" SHIBUI KOLLEKTIV cooperates with the exhibition space for contemporary art, Kunstverein Freiburg, and Heinrich-Hans-Jakob Haus, a living community of people in the third generation.
The aim of the project is to create access to visual art and dance in a variety of ways for people of an older generation in our society, who may have their everyday life beyond a fast-moving cultural landscape. The protagonists would like to jointly and cross-generationally in social responsibility and in a learning exchange enable advancement and access to dance and contemporary art.
Together with SHIBUI COLLECTIVE, the participants test and find different sensual approaches and individual movement possibilities. In a safe space, the Kunstverein, they get to know their own bodies and strengthen coordination and concentration skills. In addition to dance, the exhibition space also offers an additional opportunity for discussion and reflection on the places and conditions of cultural participation and encounter.
In cooperation with Kunstverein Freiburg e.V. and Heinrich-hansjacob-haus
Supported in the program Weiterkommen! by the Zentrum für Kulturelle Teilhabe (ZkfT)