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SHIBUI Collective 2024

Artistic direction|Choreography Emi Miyoshi

in collaboration with Dancer Anna Kempin, Daniel Conant, Marcella Centenero

Music Joël Beierer 

Costume|Stagedesign Domitile Guinchard

Dramaturgy Monica Gillette

Lighting Steffen Melch, Tim Weseloh 

Photo|Video Marc Doradzillo

Press Christine Eyssel | Ida Biegel

Production SHIBUI Collective


A co-production with E-WERK Freiburg and Theater Freiburg
Supported by the City of Freiburg and the Landesverband Freie Tanz- und Theaterschaffende Baden-Württemberg e.V. with funds from the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts of the State of Baden-Württemberg, with the special support of the dance department of Theater Freiburg.


SATURDAY 19.10.2024 8pm 

Additional performances

SU 20.10. 7pm  

TH 24.10. 8pm

FR 25.10. 8pm

SA 26.10. 8pm

E-WERK Freiburg, Saal

Eschholzstr. 77, 79106 Freiburg

Admission & Advance booking

20,- /15,- Euro (reduced)


BZ-Kartenservice, Kaiser-Joseph-Str. 229, Tel. 0761 496 8888 



After Emi Miyoshi and the SHIBUI collective continued their long-standing research interest in polyrhythmic spaces in S_HE IS SEA Etude (premiere 13.03.2024, E-WERK Freiburg), the Freiburg choreographer devotes her new production TRACK to the exploration of walking. The piece plays with the deconstruction of a familiar system by breaking down walking into its components, changing their natural sequence and providing them with new points of gravity and reference. The step as an uncoordinated falling and rearing up again evokes a forward movement with previously unfamiliar dynamics and rhythms. An individual pattern becomes recognizable, which the performers develop further in the course of the choreography, towards a progression of advancement. The question of “how” is explored physically and through dance. As the three dancers (Anna Kempin, Marcella Centenero, Daniel Conant) relate to each other, a network of new spaces and points of reference gradually emerges, offering support and orientation. The interplay between the varying steps, the rhythm visualized in the stage set and the musical soundscape creates a polyrhythmic space.

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